First let me say that the only reliable authority on this subject is the Lord.
A Christian has an obligation to settle this question through prayer and
searching the scriptures. I came to my own sense of peace about Reiki over
a four-and-a-half-year period during which I twice took time off from Reiki
because I had questions about what I was learning. I gave scripture and the
Holy Spirit a chance to get through to me. I was confident that if I opened my
heart to the Lord, asking to be shown the truth about Reiki, God would show
me what I needed to know in addition to answering my questions. If you
genuinely want to please the Lord, the Holy Spirit can certainly reach your
mind and your heart with the truth.
Reiki’s Critics
So far, the critics I have read fall into three categories. One is people who
don’t believe ki and the human energy system exist at all. Another is people
who have misunderstood Reiki before and now reject it. A third is people
who do not see how Reiki fits with scripture.
The first group could learn more if they wished by reading some recent
science and learning more about healing energy. The second group does
real harm to Reiki’s reputation by their inability to separate their individual
experiences from simple Reiki. For example, one person’s experience was
strongly colored by associating Reiki with massage and his own lust for the
woman who introduced him to Reiki.
The third group is right in saying Reiki is never mentioned in the Bible per se,
but then neither are penicillin and many things we use today. Healing is listed
as a spiritual gift (I Cor. 12:9), and Jesus tells us that anyone who has faith
in Him can have the power to heal like He did (John 14:12). This is not to say
that Reiki healing is the same as Jesus' method of healing or the spiritual gift
of healing. I am only saying that hands-on healing is mentioned in the Bible,
but drugs and surgery, etc., are not. The main issue is whether Reiki's healing
energy was created by God and can be used by God. We can tell that Reiki
energy was created by God because it can only help, heal and comfort; it
can only do good and not harm. All good gifts come from God (James 1:17).
The Christian Research Institute, an extremely conservative Christian group,
has written that Reiki cannot be good because it is associated with world
views that are in opposition to Christianity and practices that are forbidden
in scripture, specifically channeling (which I discuss below). One problem
with their argument is that many things Christians use daily are associated
with world views and practices that are in opposition to Christianity. TV has
great power to form and condition our minds with what we see and hear,
yet how many Christians carefully limit what they watch on TV? How many
movies we see, businesses we patronize, and service providers we use are
associated with world views that are in opposition to scripture? Sometimes
we go ahead and expose ourselves to those world views. Sometimes our
using a service or spending time with a person does not expose us to their
underlying world views at all. This can be the case with Reiki if you go to a
person who practices traditional Usui Reiki. Traditional Reiki will be all
Reiki, with no add-on teachings, tools or techniques.
The only teaching beyond how to give Reiki that is part of the original Usui
Reiki are these Reiki Principles: Just for today, I will feel gratitude. Just for
today, I will let go of anger. Just for today, I will let go of worry. Just for
today, I will do my work honestly. Just for today, I will be kind to my
neighbor and every living thing. To me, this sounds more like an healthy
AA meeting than a dangerous philosophy. There is nothing here to mislead
or undermine any spiritual convictions. If people with world views other
than Christian ones practice Reiki, that does not make it evil. Very few people
would even think of asking doctor whether the science he is using is based
on a Christian world view. In fact, few Christians feel the need to pray about
whether to see a doctor instead of praying and giving the Lord a chance to
heal them first.
One question I wrestled with repeatedly was why, if Reiki is a gift from God,
anyone can practice it regardless of their beliefs. Each time I came to the
same conclusions. God is generous with many gifts, such as intelligence,
artistic ability, strength, and beauty, regardless of beliefs. We all have the
ability to love, to communicate, and to care for others. Since Reiki is available
to anyone, it is clearly a general ability to do good for one another that God
built into His creation. It is not a spiritual gift through the Holy Spirit. The
section on ki explains how the energy is made available to all. Through
prayer, I have come to understand that God built everything we would ever
physically need for our health and well being into creation. Sadly, we have
spent much scientific effort on learning how to help ourselves without God's
guidance. Unlike taking medication or having surgery (which do have their
place in restoring our health when we have not been able to maintain it) it is
impossible to do harm with Reiki healing energy. What any individual
teaches in addition to simple, traditional Reiki is something that individual
will be held accountable for. We are all called to walk in obedience to God's
Word and His will.
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.
Each tree is recognized by its own fruit" (Luke 6:43-44).