What Is Reiki? Distance Reiki Christian Reiki Reiki For Animals Appointments & Classes

Appointments for Reiki

Distance Healing may be scheduled to begin at any time you choose.
I will send an email afterwards describing the session, or we may talk.
Payment accepted through PayPal or by check.

30 minutes . . . . $40
45 minutes . . . . $60
60 minutes . . . . $75

I see clients in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, southeast of Philadelphia.
Directions will be emailed to you when you make your appointment.

In person appointments are accepted for the week following your call
or email. Sessions are $75 for 60 minutes of Reiki.
Allow one and a half hours for the total appointment time.

Please call for my current hours.

If you would like to experience Reiki for yourself, please email me - or
call me at 610-626-6647 - to make an appointment or ask any questions
you may have about receiving Reiki. I will respond within 24 hours.

If your need is urgent, telephone me to schedule a distance healing session.

  Credit card & bank account payments through PayPal:
Make checks out to: Judith White
100 Walsh Road
Lansdowne, PA 19050

Instruction in Reiki

Anyone can be a Reiki Healer. Reiki is not an exclusive gift which only a
few are chosen to practice. We may all give and receive Reiki if we so
desire. To become a Reiki Healer, training and attunement by a Master
are required.

There are three levels in traditional Usui Reiki (named for the man who
rediscovered Reiki). At each level, you are trained and attuned by a Master
to that level of Reiki energy. The first level is primarily for physical healing
and primarily for healing yourself, though everyone shares their new gift
with family or friends. The second level is for emotional healing and distance
healing, and the third (called Advanced Practice) is for spiritual healing.

Karuna ReikiŽ has two levels, both of which increase your capacity for
compassionate action (which is what Karuna means) through an increased
ability to heal with Reiki. You must complete all three levels of traditional Reiki
to learn Karuna ReikiŽ, and you must become a Reiki Master before becoming
a Karuna ReikiŽ Master.

I have been a Reiki healer since 1998. Giving Reiki to clients and teaching
Reiki to students are my joy and a priviledge. If you would like to learn Reiki
for yourself, please email me - or call me at 610-626-6647 - to make
an appointment or ask any questions you may have about Reiki classes.

Judith White
Reiki Master
Karuna ReikiŽ Master
What Is Reiki? Distance Reiki Christian Reiki Reiki For Animals Appointments & Classes
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